(in English)
The existing flat had a good atmosphere dating back to the Japanese modernism feeling of the `60s.
For example, there were rounded square tiles in the entrance, carefully designed windows details, and all doors and wainscoting in plywood.
Some equipment was outdated and required replacement, but we attempted to tune it to fit the original elements as much as possible.
We used the square shape as pattern throughout the project at various scales, with oil finished plywood as main material.
Although the flat was only partially refurbished, we hope that the user will not recognize the boundary between old and new, but rather experience the space as a whole.
奥の壁はマグネット塗装+黒板塗装。天井の窓際既存カーテンボックスにハニカムスクリーンを取り付けている / Dining and Living room. On the green wall it is possible to draw with charcoal and use magnets.
キッチンカウンターや本棚もラワン材。壁天井は全て既存まま / The counter and shelves are made of plywood. Every wall and ceiling is left untouched
キッチンからLDKを見る。階段を下りたところに専用庭がある / The dining view from the kitchen. There is a garden out of the window below the steps
水野製陶園ラボ製作タイル。1枚1枚の碧が深い / The special ordered square tiles made in Mizuno Seito-en lab in Tokoname.
床は遮音束の上に断熱下地ラワンベニヤ張り / Square shaped floor pattern
庭側から見返し。右奥の寝室は襖を外しスクリーンを設置して、窓に見立てた / LDK view from outside to the entrance
洗面台とミラーを製作 / Original designed basin counter and mirror cabinet.
竣工: 2018年6月
用途: 専用住宅
建築地: 神戸市
構造: 鉄筋コンクリート造
延床面積: 75.34㎡
設計・監理: みささぎ一級建築士事務所/松本崇、Alexander Bevan Greco
(in English)
completion: June, 2018
type: house
location: Kobe, Japan
structure: RC
total area: 75.34 sqm
architect: misasagi/Takashi Matsumoto, Alexander Bevan Greco
contractor: takatori construction/ Yasuhiro Kawahara
tile: mizuno seitoen lab. / Futoshi Mizuno
photo: Takashi Matsumoto