TRANSLATE to some defferent language

I’m in Philadelphia.

I’m sorry there are only Japanese text.
I put some links to translate this to some different language on Google translate below.

It’s not correct but better than I’ve thought.

Please try to checke them your each lunguage and make bookmark, beacause on  the other time you can see the translated page directly.

>to English

>to German

>to French

>to Spanish

>to Finish

>to Korean

>to Chinese (Mandarin)

>to Vietnamese

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How to navigate | サイトの見方

「Show all」をクリックするとその親カテゴリー全ての内容が時系列順に表示されます。


・各記事の一番下に「←new | old→」と前後記事へのリンクを貼っています。

>If you click the menu above, it shows down the categories links.
If you click [ show all ] , you can see all post in the meta- categoriy like [grand tour] or [work].

>Every post thumnail will form a grid. The rule makes the new one move upper basically.
If you want to see the new to old, you can see upper to lower, not left to right.

>There is [ newer | older ] post link on the bottom of the article.
It’s useful if you want to see from past to now.