2023 House in Ohara / 大原の改修






Renovation of an old house built at the skirts of a mountain in northern Kyoto.

The house was relatively large, but originally separated into small rooms. So we adjusted the interior and exterior openings and added two stairwells so that the large volume of the house could be experienced.
The north-south stairwells allows light to fall onto the ground floor through the bright second-floor windows as high-sidelights.

The plan allows for a circulation both on the ground floor and the second floor.

The dining room is divided into a Mise(for guests) and an Oku(for family) by old fittings that are twice the height of the original ones, which also conceal to go up and down on the staircase to the second floor where the private zone is located, thus making it possible to separate the public and the private.

By reinforcing the earthquake resistance from the foundation and insulating the outer shell from the inside, the aim was to transform the size of the house itself into a rich living environment, while maintaining the existing exterior.

南側全景。外観はほぼ既存まま / View of the south elevation. Exterior remains mostly original.

玄関吹き抜け / Entrance atrium

キッチンから玄関を見る。引き戸を閉めると土間とプライベートゾーンは仕切ることができる / View of the entrance from the kitchen. A sliding door can be closed to separate the entrance from the private zone.

幅3mのキッチンはTanzen制作 / The 3M wide kitchen produced by Tanzen.

北側の吹き抜けハイサイドライトからは、隣地の木立に反射した光を取り込む / The north atrium high-sidelight brings in light reflected from the trees.

ダイニングからリビング、書斎を見る / View of the workroom through livin room from the dining room.

書斎 / Workroom

客用洗面スペース。元厠の古建具を転用している / Guest washroom. Old wooden door for toilet was converted.

引戸を閉めると、2階への昇降も土間からは見えない / When the sliding door's closed, going up and down isn't visible from the entrance.

小屋裏収納へ続く梯子と既存梁 / Ladder leading to attic storage and an existing main beam.

南北の吹き抜けの間に、居室と水周りを繋ぐ橋のような動線を確保している / A bridge-like circulation between the north-south atrium connects rooms and bathrooms.

既存大黒柱は一尺を越えていた / Existing main pillars were over 30cm.

洗面所を見る / View of the bathroom.

General information

竣工: 2023年5月
用途: 専用住宅
建築地: 京都市
構造: 木造(改装)
階数: 2
建築面積: 129.84㎡
延床面積: 217.46㎡
設計・監理: みささぎ一級建築士事務所/松本崇

(in English)
Completion:  Sep, 2023.05
Type:  House
Location:  Kyoto, Japan
Structure:  Timber (renovation)
Storey:  2
Foot print:  129.84 sqm
Total area:  217.46 sqm
Architect: misasagi
Structural consultant: S3 cube associates
Furniture: Tanzen
Contractor:  Takahashi Komuten
Photo:  Satoshi Shigeta

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